Boyfriend in the Bargain Prequel Novella

The Holiday Exchange

A Sweet Romantic Comedy

Time Period:

Sometimes an old-fashioned swap is the best way to make things happen.

It’s my first time directing the Christmas program at school and I think I have things mostly under control — except for the part where I have to build a set with a small budget and even smaller construction experience. When the quiet guy at the hardware store volunteers to help in exchange for me teaching him how to talk to people, it feels like an unfair trade. But Trevor doesn’t seem to think I’m taking advantage of him and I sure could use the help with this set.

Offering to help Kayla on a whim is definitely not like me, especially since she’s beautiful, friendly, and way out of my league. But I’m determined that as soon as we finish this project I’m going to ask her out — even if a girl like her dating a guy like me is a long shot.

If you like a friends to more romance with kittens and a shy hero, this Boyfriend in the Bargain holiday novella is for you.

What to expect:
– Dual-POV
– Friends to more
– Shy hero
– Closed door/kissing only

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