The "Days of..." Series - Book 2

Illuminating Days of Discovery

Time Period:

More romance is in store for the Athertons and the Stratfords as we continue their journey in Book 2 of the “Days of…” Series. With wedding plans crowding their already full schedules, Rick Stratford and Caroline Atherton must learn to be intentional about keeping romance alive as they march toward the aisle, lest familiarity threaten to take their love for granted before it’s fully blossomed.

Meanwhile, Jackson Atherton’s heart and commitment have been focused on family, work, and the Lord. When romance knocks on the door of his heart in the petite form of Beth Monroe, he discovers the difference between flirtation and gallantry. With a new faith and deep personal scars, Beth struggles to reconcile forgiveness and trust so she can fully embrace new possibilities. Discover what true commitment to love can reveal with God’s light Illuminating Days of Discovery.

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