A Catalina Bison Ice Hockey Novel - Stand-alone


A Clean Sports Romance

Time Period:

A young adult contemporary wholesome story of ‘falling in like’. Humor and hilarious situations, plus some ice hockey and bocce jargon, replace intimate scenes and profanity. The content is clean and appropriate for all ages.

Grant and Rebecca meet when Grant trades an ice hockey puck for a bocce ball. The twentysomething’s click instantly, but professional commitments interfere with their budding friendship. As their day-to-day lives diverge and they find themselves communicating long distance, can they redirect their attention back to what makes their connection special?

Scroll up to buy this sweet and wholesome story and start reading today!

65,000 word standalone HFN novel without triggers or cliffhangers. The story’s content is clean and does not contain strong elements of faith or religion.

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