All’s fair in love and war…until you set up the man you love with another woman.
The realization that you’ve fallen for your best friend is, for me, pretty scary.
It’s not that Reid is all the way in the stratosphere out of my league, it’s more like I want to get it together so I’m not the one who feels so inadequate.
But when I take ten steps forward, I’m shoved twenty steps back and left wondering if we’d be a good match in the end. And I want the best for my friend…even if that means it’s not me.
Yet the thought of him with anyone else makes me crazy and I want to run screaming into the Blue Ridge Mountains. The thing is, if I don’t get over myself I’m probably going to not only lose my best friend, but my chance at true love…
The Art of Falling for Your Best Friend is a laugh-out-loud, heartwarming romcom with an anxious main character, a cinnamon roll hero, and a cute terrier named Max. Chemistry and tension collide in this closed-door romance!
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