Sisters By Marriage - Prequel

The Faithful Suitor

Time Period:

“You are my best friend. I want you to be happy. Promise me you will find someone suitable and marry her…”

Nicholas is all set to quit the Foreign Services and marry the love of his life, Lady Helena. He has known Helena since she was a precocious five-year-old and he, a schoolboy of thirteen. From the first, they share a special bond.

Helena loves Nicholas with all her heart and is eager for him to return home. He is her best friend, her favorite person, and will soon be her husband.

Suddenly, Helena’s world is torn asunder by an unfortunate event. She must choose between marriage and her brother’s children.

Nicholas is not surprised that Helena chooses duty over love.

In the coming years, Nicholas goes wherever the Foreign Office sends him. He and Helena continue their friendship but do not speak of love.

When Nicholas returns home for good, Helena faces a new challenge. Can she overcome it to accept the noble-hearted man who had always stood by her?

The Faithful Suitor is a tender romance with strong and endearing characters. It is a prequel to the Sisters by Marriage Series and like all the books in the series, can be read as a stand-alone.

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