Boxwood Regency Romance Series - Book 5

The Rules of a Gentleman

Time Period:

She’s known him her entire life. But how well does she really know him?

Lady Charlotte Morton does not need or want a husband. A truth which has disappointed countless fortune hunters during her seven Seasons in London. But Lottie has a different plan for her life. After enduring one last marathon of social events, she’ll reach her twenty-fifth birthday, gain control of her inheritance, and retire to the country as a wealthy spinster.

The only highlight of Lottie’s otherwise dull existence of waiting is when her favorite childhood friend makes his infrequent appearances in London ballrooms. It is unfortunate that he’s turned into a feckless, society leach.

In the eyes of the Ton, Edmund Maxwell is the perfect example of a dissolute younger son. He spends his days flitting between house parties, only appearing in London long enough to tease Lady Charlotte and find the next card game. Upholding his reputation can be tiresome, but Edmund finds it a necessary part of maintaining his credentials as a gentleman.

As Lottie’s last Season draws to a close, an invitation to a house party gives Lottie the unanticipated chance to see Edmund outside of a ballroom for the first time in years. A fortnight together makes her question everything she thought she knew about her childhood friend.

But is the truth about him, and their friendship, enough to make her change her plans?

This Clean & Wholesome Regency Romance novella is sure to touch your heart and make you laugh.

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