Taking place on a peaceful Wyoming ranch, this tale of love follows a brave pilot who confronts his personal struggles and finds forever in his soulmate.
Sometimes the monsters are in your head…
Xander ‘Panic’ Isaacs was always cool under pressure. His call sign had been a joke among the other pilots because nothing fazed him… until now. When even the bravest among the team shatters under pressure, they give a chance to one broken Flyboy to pick up the pieces in Wyoming.
And sometimes you are trying to hide from them…
Lyndsey is a forensic scientist and wants to testify for a trial and needed a safe place to hide, completely off the grid. When the chief of police pulls a few strings, he whisks her off to a farm in the middle of nowhere, and she suddenly finds herself sharing a cabin with the most gorgeous man… with quirks.
Xander hardly spoke to anyone, kept odd hours, and avoided her at every turn. How are you supposed to hold a conversation with someone who runs away from you despite their close quarters?
And what happens when you finally catch him?
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